Tuesday 22 February 2011

House arises Rights ~ General translated as a high-pitched female voice singing

HOUSE is in the eighties along the dance evolved from the DISCO music. This is a Chicago DJ to play the music, the German electronic band Kraftwerk they will with a new record and electronic drums (Drum Machine) black rhythm and blues mix in a song, House arises Rights ~ fashion belts General translated as a high-pitched female voice singing. DISCO popular, some DJ will it change the determination will become more non-commercialized DISCO, BASS and drums become more deep, often into pure music, even singing parts of most of sung by the singer dancing short sentences, often without clear lyrics. Gradually, it was joined LATIN (Latin), REGGAE mens belts (Ruige Yuan in the West Indies), RAP (rap) or JAZZ (jazz) and other elements, eight years of the late, HOUSE out underground areas as Chicago, New York and London, the darling of pop chart.

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